
Cold Case

Deviation Actions

chibiaddict4ever's avatar

Literature Text

It seemed like another ordinary day in court for Phoenix Wright.  He sighed, sweating slightly as he tried to pick holes in a witness's seemingly air-tight testimony.  What could he do? He knew his client was innocent...but how could he prove it?  Absentmindedly shifting through his evidence, he suddenly came across something.  That was it! He had forgotten all about it.  But of course...the fact that this item had been left on the crime scene proved that his client hadn't been there the day of the murder!

Straightening up, he made his almost trademark move by now, pointing his finger at the witness as he called his objection.  Feeling much more confident, he launched himself into his cross examination, presenting the evidence and proving his point the judge.  Yes!  He glanced up to the judge to find him nodding.  So far so good......

He thought he had just about proved his point when he heard a rather loud clearing of the throat from across the courtroom and his words died in his mouth.  Oh crap!  He glanced up to see his rival, Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth glaring at him.  No!  He groaned.  He had forgotten about Edgeworth.  Shit.  Just when he thought he was actually getting somewhere......huh?  He glanced up from his slumped over position to stare at the other man.  Why wasn't he saying anything?  Knowing Edgeworth, the other should have been practically pouncing on his words and ripping his point to shreds.  

Edgeworth stared at his rival in the silence, then raised his eyebrows.  
  "...You were saying, Wright?"
Phoenix couldn't stop the stupid "huh?" from escaping his lips.  Scratching the back of his head, he grinned rather foolishly in his confusion.
  "Ah...well....I thought you wanted to say something."
Edgeworth shook his head, his arms folded and finger tapping lightly against his arm.
  "Please carry on."
  "....Oh. Right!  Well, as I was saying..."

Phoenix continued on, pressing his point to the court.  It worked.  But he still wasn't out of hot water, he thought, as the current witness left the stand.  Edgeworth still had another witnesses prepared that he had to go through.....and speaking of Edgeworth, he was acting rather strangely today.  Phoenix shot him a confused glance as the second witness took the stand.  He didn't know why, but he felt that something felt off about him.  Stress from the case perhaps? But why....HE was the one who should be having stress.  From all the evidence, it looked like there was no other person besides his client who could have remotely even been in the building where the murder took place.  He sighed, then shook Edgeworth from his head as he prepared himself to hear the new witness's testimony.  

From across the room, Miles was having a rather bad day.  True, it really looked like he would be winning this case, but he was up against Wright...and he knew that the seemingly bumbling lawyer could pull some new evidence up from practically nowhere, shattering the perfect testimony he had prepared beforehand.  While at first he had despised him for his reckless way of handling things, he did have respect for the way the other lawyer wouldn't stop fighting until he had found the truth.  Not that it would do him any good at the moment.  He was also annoyed at the fact that his stomach had been doing flip-flops since the early morning, waking him early and denying him further sleep and food until almost right before the trial when he had managed to get a bit of toast down without too much difficulty.  He sniffed, then cleared his throat as he waited for Wright to start the cross examination once more, trying to think of the right counter-attack should he bring up something new, his stomach and now pounding head protesting to this.  

Phoenix groaned.  With this new testimony, he was back to where he had been a few moments ago, sweating with nerves and racking his brain desperately for any signs of weakness or evidence that could prove the statement faulty.  Ugh.  This was hard.  Edgeworth always prepared his witnesses to the best of his ability.  He glanced up absentmindedly to the prosecutor once again, only to be shocked to find him sweating slightly as well.  What?  That wasn't like Edgeworth....perhaps there was a major flaw in the witness's testimony...there was no other way that Edgeworth would be looking so uncomfortable...

He listened once again, then suddenly found the flaw.  Smiling inwardly, he pressed them on it until he was able to squeeze a bit more hidden information out of the witness.  He was close.  He knew it.  Just a little bit more.....he opened his mouth to press his final statement when he was suddenly interrupted once again as Edgeworth let out...a rather weak sounding objection.  Phoenix blinked, confused, even more so when the prosecutor stated his facts, his thoughts clear and accusing and contradictory (of course) to what Phoenix had just stated.  But...Phoenix couldn't help but notice that his voice sounded rather shaky.  Now he was definitely sure that something was off with the other man...but what was it?

Miles paused, taking a deep breath before plunging back into his contradiction.  In a short time, he had gone from feeling bad to positively awful.  He winced, his hand itching to clutch at his stomach in pain, but he had to stay strong.  He was in court, and this was no time to show weakness.  He had to make his point clear, to show the judge that the defendant really was guilty...or....or maybe just extend the trial for another day.  That option was looking really good at the moment.  What he wouldn't do for another day...or a break even.....he could feel his stomach turning over violently and had to suppress a whine.  This was not good...he was starting to feel a bit panicked at whether or not he would be able to hold out for the rest of the trial, let alone if he could prosecute well enough to win the case in this condition.  He shivered, the courtroom suddenly feeling icy to his senses as he plowed on as best he could.  

Phoenix was paying more attention to the prosecutor himself than what he was saying.  Having known Miles since childhood, he thought he knew him pretty well, not to mention the fact that they had sort of grown fond of each other outside of court in the recent months.  Phoenix sort of supposed he could call Miles his boyfriend now by the looks of it, although they hadn't officially agreed to start dating.  It was all being done in secret anyway, as the media would undoubtedly have a field day if they got wind that the well-known courtroom rivals were actually in a relationship.  Not that it really did much to their relationship in court however.  Miles was still as ruthless a prosecutor as ever, as this current case proved.

Phoenix shook his head slightly to clear it.  Now was not the time to be thinking of his personal life.  He had a trial he needed to win!  And besides, he was starting to get a bit concerned with his fellow attorney's condition.  He really...didn't look well.  Huh...he knew that Edgeworth worked really hard on his cases, sometimes not even returning home and falling asleep on his desk when he was in the middle of a trial.  Perhaps that behavior had caught up with him and he had caught a cold...or that bug that had been going around for the past few weeks.  A sudden sneeze from the silver-haired lawyer confirmed his suspicions.  

Phoenix couldn't help but smile tenderly as he watched Edgeworth's face turn as pink as the magenta suit he always wore, quickly apologizing and bashfully thanking the judge for his "bless you".  He really did look cute when he was flustered......Phoenix suddenly was drawn out of this thoughts as he was jabbed in the ribs by an elbow.  Wincing in pain, he glanced down to his assistant, Maya Fey, who was glaring at him.
  "What are you doing?" She hissed at him. "Stop staring at Edgeworth like an idiot and start thinking about what to do!  You need to win this case!  You know he's innocent!"
  "Uh..yeah...." Phoenix mumbled, shooting one last worried look over at Edgeworth before turning back to the case at hand, massaging his ribs as he did so.  For now both his client and Edgeworth's sake, he hoped he could wrap this case up soon....

It was all Miles could do to not whine in pain as he pressed his palms against the prosecution's table, struggling not to cry or heaven forbid, pass out.  Just a few more hours...just a few more hours...he kept on telling himself in his mind, his stomach tossing and churning like there was someone kneading it like bread dough.  He had tried to pass off his discomfort earlier from the result of nerves or lack of sleep, but there was no denying it now that he was sick, he thought, stifling some coughs as he watched Phoenix cross examine his witness for what he felt was the umpteenth time.  

Suddenly, he saw a faint glimmer of hope.  The witness had just remembered out of the blue, of seeing someone else there the day of the murder.  And while this wasn't good for his case at all, this information would be enough to suspend the trial for another badly needed day.  If he could get out of here soon he could go home early and try to rest up for the next day where he would hopefully be feeling better.....

Phoenix smiled, pressing the witness on this latest bit on information, almost all thought of Edgeworth forgotten as he felt his insides inflate.  Yes!  This was just what he needed to turn this case around in his favor......he was just about to confirm this new turn of events to be absolutely sure this new person had been at the scene of the crime when a panicked cry rang out from the other side of the courtroom.  Startled, Phoenix glanced over instinctively towards the sound to see Edgeworth's hand fly over his mouth as he stood, eyes wide with horror, his other hand flying equally fast to his stomach.  Phoenix felt his heart race, then cringed as he knew what was going to happen next, before springing to action.  

Miles let out a whimper, tears prickling at the corners of his eyes as he pressed his palm over his mouth to no avail, vomit seeping out from between his fingers before he was instantly sick all over his table.  He let out a soft sob, panting raggedly as he tried to catch his breath before another wave hit and he was sent hurling once again.  He felt his cheeks burn with humiliation and heat as he tried to straighten up again, tears streaming down his face.  No....not in court....not now....the trial...he had to......he felt his stomach heave once more and had no control over it, letting out a strangled cry as his stomach released the small amount of anything it had left in it.  

It took him a moment after he had finished hurling to realize the warm hands gently stroking his back and the familiar, soothing voice in his ear.  Phoenix had practically jumped over his own table when he saw his friend's plight and had been at his side in seconds.  
  "It's okay's okay. I'm here....we'll get you cleaned up and then put you to bed....."
Edgeworth glanced up at him, still shaken as he clung to his comfort and warmth.  
  "" He could hardly even speak...he just wanted to curl up in those loving arms and pass out.  Phoenix nodded, a gentle hand coming to feel his temperature before signaling Maya to come and gather up the other's case files and evidence, which had miraculously escaped contamination.  

Phoenix straightened up, scooping the sick attorney into his arms as he did so, turning to the flustered judge, who was trying unsuccessfully to get the court back in order again.
  "Your Honor, based on the new evidence that there was someone else at the crime scene on the day of the murder, as well at the state of the prosecution, I request to postpone this trial to a later date until we can resolve both of these issues at hand."
To his relief, the judge nodded.
  " does seem that we can't continue until then, does it."
He nodded again, then banged his gavel down, officially postponing the trial.  As the court was clearing out, he gazed sympathetically down at the unconscious Edgeworth in Phoenix's arms.
  "...Mr Wright, do make sure he gets well soon."
Phoenix smiled, glancing down tenderly at the finally peaceful man in his arms.
  "Yes, Your Honor, I'll be sure that he does."


When Edgeworth awoke, he was laying in a soft and comfortable bed amid a bunch of blankets.  Rubbing his eyes, he groaned, trying to sit up, a wet cloth falling from his forehead to his lap as he did so.  He glanced at it, then tried to take in his surroundings.  This was not his house.  And these fuzzy blue things, although comfortable, were not his pajamas.  Wait. Blue.  The last thing he remembered before blacking out was being scooped up in the arms of a certain defense attorney in a blue suit.  He smiled weakly as he lay back against the pillows propped up for him. his was his house and his doings.....

Phoenix silently poked his head around the door and grinned when he saw movement, walking in with a pitcher of water and a few tablets.
   "You're up.  How do you feel?"
Miles glanced up at him, then was seized by a sneezing fit before he could answer.  Phoenix chuckled, setting his things down and handing him a tissue from a box he had placed nearby.
  "Well, I think I just got my answer from that."
Edgeworth sniffled, blowing his nose as his fevered cheeks turned even pinker.
  ".......I'm sorry."
  "I'm sorry." He lowered his head in shame, not daring to look at Phoenix.  "I.....I passed had to do all this..." He gestured to the pajamas and tissues.  "I'm such a burden.....and it's my fault....I knew I didn't feel well and yet I still went to the trial...."

He froze, his eyes suddenly going wide with horror.
Phoenix let out a shocked yelp as the other man made a frantic dash to jump out of bed, his wild actions sending him falling back into the pillows in a coughing fit.  Phoenix quickly started stroking his shoulders, whispering and trying to soothe the poor man.
  "It's alright.  The trial has been postponed until you're all better."
He gently pulled him into a hug.
  "Besides, now with the new evidence we need to do a bit more investigation until we can continue anyway."  He gazed reassuringly into the other's eyes.  "And about you being a burden, Miles, I told you a few weeks ago.....that I love you.  And that I would be here to protect you and be with you if you needed me."  He smiled, grinning goofily as always, but his eyes told the prosecutor that he was serious.  

Edgeworth sniffled, nesting his head against Phoenix's shoulder.  That was right.  He didn't think he could ever forget about that day a few weeks prior, when he and Phoenix found out they cared for each other.  Before then, it had taken him so long to even realize (or admit, really) that he cared for the other man in such a way.  But Phoenix had always been there for him.  He had been there when they were children, had reached out to him when he had been a changed man first becoming a prosecutor, earning himself the ruthless title of "demon prosecutor".  He had then become a lawyer himself to try and reach out to him in that way, and had then defended him in that one case he was framed for, subsequently solving the DL-6 case in the process and relieving him of 15 years of terror and guilt.  

He sighed.  When he had thought about it in this way, he had come to realize that he did care for Phoenix, and the more he watched him and talked with him, the more he realized he wanted the man by his side.  He coughed softly and nuzzled his face into Phoenix's warmth as he felt the other's hands gently stroking his back.
Phoenix looked down at him, pausing in his motions.
  "What was that?"
Edgeworth felt his face heat up as he buried it further into Phoenix's shirt.
  "Thank you....andIloveyoutoo." He mumbled, feeling his stomach start flipping again for an entirely different reason.  He suddenly pulled away from his lover's embrace as he started to sneeze, turning away.  Sniffling, he turned back to find Phoenix ready with a tissue, gently wiping his nose.  

Edgeworth felt his face heat up as his heartbeat suddenly increased.
  "Blow."  He heard Phoenix's gentle, almost playful voice.
  "C'mon, blow!"
Edgeworth rolled his eyes then swiped the tissue from the other's hands, his pride still dominating over his illness, blowing his nose into it before fixing the defense attorney with one of his cold glares, its effect slightly lost as he still had the tissue pressed to his face.  He could blow his own nose for Christ's sake!

  "Go wash your hands. Now."
Phoenix pouted.
  "I just wanted to help...."
Edgeworth sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he gracefully tossed his tissue into the trash.
  "It's bad enough that I'm sick, we can't have you catching it as well.  The trial still needs to be finished, in case you didn't realize."
Phoenix sighed, then chuckled.
  "Glad to know that you're not sick enough to loose your ever professional way of doing things." He gave the other a small kiss on the cheek before he went off to go wash his hands.

Phoenix returned shortly with a thermometer and a fresh cool cloth in his hands.  He was glad to see that Miles was resting, for some reason he sort of expected him to bolt and try to run off to investigate or something.  Kneeling down on the bed, he gently replaced the cloths on his forehead before taking the thermometer out of its case and holding it up to the prosecutor's delicate thin lips.  They were rather pretty, Phoenix thought, as he gently smiled down at the ill man who was glaring at him rather childishly in objection to having his temperature taken, soft too, as he was fortunate to be able to kiss them.  

  "Miles come on, let me take your temperature.  I need to know as well as the court, since we need to know when to reschedule the rest of the trial."
At this, Edgeworth finally opened his lips and let Phoenix slide the cool thermometer in.  As much as he hated being so sick, he might as well comply with the requests.  The sooner he was better, the sooner the trial could continue.  

Phoenix smiled at he stroked him gently, waiting with him until the thermometer had taken its reading.  When it finally beeped, he took it out and frowned.  Edgeworth looked up to him with dread as he gulped.  Phoenix looked down at him and smiled, pushing him back down against the pillows.
  "You're not going anywhere for a while.  Just relax, take your medicine."  He gestured to the pills he had brought in earlier. Edgeworth scowled in response.
  ".....At least tell me what it was."

Phoenix paused, as if debating he should really tell him, but the stubborn, grumpy look on the prosecutor's face made him relent.
  "104° F"
He chuckled, pouring Edgeworth some water.
  "Even you can't argue that you can go to court with that high of a fever....." At least he hoped so anyway.  This was the "demon prosecutor" he was talking to.  He glanced over and was happy to see the other resting peacefully, without so much as a peep, except for the same disgruntled scowl upon his face.  Phoenix wished he wouldn't scowl so much, his face really was handsome, but the scowling sort of ruined that.

  "'s okay.  It's not like this is going to last forever.  You'll be back on your feet before you know it, and the longest we're going to have to postpone this trial is the end of next week."
Edgeworth grunted, biting back the urge to say "but I want this to be over now" since he knew it wouldn't do him any good.  The evidence was against him on this case, what with vomiting and passing out in the courtroom and his fever.  Not to mention the fact that he couldn't stop his nose from dribbling everywhere.  He shuddered.  It was quite disgusting really.  

Phoenix must have realized his pain as he cheerfully handed him another box of tissues.
  "Don't worry, I have plenty more."
Edgeworth wanted to ask why Phoenix happened to have an endless supply of tissue in his house, but was too tired.  Instead, he just nodded.  Phoenix smiled down at him, gently leaning forward to kiss his cheek before pulling the covers up more snugly around his shoulders and stroking his burning forehead.

  "You feeling up for some soup?"
Edgeworth glanced up at him, then bit his lip.  He was feeling a bit better now, his stomach wasn't 100% but at least it wasn't jumping around anymore.  He nodded.  Phoenix grinned, then gave his hand a slight pat before turning towards the door.  Before he left, he paused, then blushed a bit as he handed Edgeworth some DVDs along with the tv clicker.
  "Um...I know you like to keep this to yourself but....I noticed that you're a fan so...." He gestured to the DVDs and chuckled, scratching his head in embarrassment.  "I thought it would help you pass the time...."
He grinned, then headed off towards the kitchen.

Edgeworth blinked in shock, then looked down at the DVDs in his hands and could barely suppress a rather childish cry of shock and delight that he blamed on his less-than-stellar condition.  That attorney didn't miss a thing, did he, he thought as he surveyed the Steel Samurai collection in front of him.  Wasting no time, he quickly popped one in and lay back against the pillows.  Maybe being sick wasn't so bad after all....

Phoenix popped his head into the room a little while later, the soup cooking away on the stove.  Being mindful of his lover's refined taste, he had opted to cooking the soup from scratch.  Which was probably better anyway, since even he despised the taste of canned chicken noodle soup.  
  "Having fun?"
Edgeworth jumped at this, then nodded, turning a bit pink as he was caught fully wrapped up in the show.
  "Yes...thank you." He absentmindedly clutched at his arm in embarrassment as he glanced away.  Phoenix chuckled.
  "Nothing to be ashamed of Miles, you know I still think you're perfect anyway."

Blushing a bit harder now, Edgeworth was saved from the awkward silence by his own coughing fit.  Phoenix rushed towards him, handing him some water when it had subsided.
  "That sounds bad.....did you take those pills yet?"
Edgeworth gratefully sipped at the water, then blushed harder as he realized he had forgotten all about them.
  " yet...." He handed Phoenix back the empty water glass and reached over for the pills, Phoenix handing him back a filled glass once he had the pills in hand.  

Gulping them down, he finished the glass when he was through, turning and placing it back neatly on the bedside table before turning and giving Phoenix a small smile.  
  "Thank you...for taking care of" He glanced away, clutching at his arm again shyly.  "It really...means a lot to me....."
Phoenix felt his heart melt as those words and the sight, and gently leaned down to give him a hug and another little kiss on the forehead.
  "I'm glad.  But really, I don't mind. I just want to see you get better..." He chuckled, sheepishly scratching his head once more. ".... And well, yelling 'OBJECTION!' at me from behind your prosecutor's table in court like usual."
Edgeworth smirked, quickly giving the other a quick little kiss on the cheek before gazing up at him with the same, confident smirk he showed him in court.
  "I won't loose to you this time, Wright."

Phoenix returned again later that evening, this time carrying a tray with him.  He smiled down as Edgeworth instantly propped himself up a bit higher up on the pillows.  He still looked a bit weak, Phoenix thought as he watched the other succumb to yet another coughing fit.  He smiled gently, then sat down on the edge of the bed and placed the tray on the bedside table, picking up the bowl of soup and spoon and holding them firmly in his own hands.  

   "Say 'ahh'" He grinned a bit cheekily as he held up a spoonful of soup to the other's lips, receiving the cold glare he was expecting.
  "Phoenix, I am fully capable of feeding myself, thank you very much."  
His stern gaze didn't last very long however, as he suddenly sneezed several times in succession.  Phoenix shook his head, still smiling as the other blew his nose.
  "Not while you're prone to such attacks you aren't.  If I hadn't been holding this it would have spilled everywhere."
Edgeworth scowled at him, but even he couldn't deny that it was true.  

Finally pushing aside his pride, he gently leaned forward and opened his mouth, his eyes closing as he did so.  Phoenix dipped the spoon into the soup then gulped as he looked into the other's face.  Even with his nose all pink and raw, flushed cheeks, and peaked eyes, there was no denying that the man in front of him was very handsome.  He smiled softly, feeling his insides warm as he gently placed the spoon into the other's awaiting mouth.  He watched as Edgeworth chewed gently, then swallowed, his eyes opening in pleasant surprise.  

  "It's good."
He licked his lips, then glanced up to Phoenix once more, his mouth dropping open.  Phoenix chuckled.  He looked like a little bird, all perched there expectantly waiting to be fed.  He dipped the spoon back into the soup and fed him another spoonful, watching with calm delight as the other enjoyed it.
  "You look so cute like this.....I would never believe you could be this way by the way you act in court...."

Edgeworth glanced up at him and smirked, gently nudging his shoulder with his head as he opened his mouth again.
  "Only very select people get to witness this."  He took in another spoonful, then gently licked at a drop of soup that was in danger of falling off of the spoon, making sure that the defense attorney was watching.  Phoenix nearly dropped the spoon.

  "H-hey! Don't do that...." He turned away, blushing as he shoved another spoonful of soup into Edgeworth's mouth.  Edgeworth chuckled, swallowing before glancing up at him with the same expectant expression on his face, before loosing it as he sneezed.  Phoenix laughed, reaching over to get him a tissue, being careful not to spill any of the soup.
  "This is why you can't be seductive when you're sick...." He watched, smiling, as the other blew his nose, burying his face into the tissue as he turned bright red.  Even like this, he was adorable.  

  "Besides, you look so cute right now and I can't kiss you...." He trailed off, absentmindedly stirring the soup as he glanced away a bit sadly.  Edgeworth sniffed, then placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
  "Which is why I'm being good and not fighting you, although my pride is crying." He smiled, leaning forward and opening his mouth again to be fed more soup.  Phoenix nodded, smiling sheepishly as he placed another spoonful between those pretty lips.  
  "You're right.  I shouldn't be're trying hard to get better....."

Edgeworth nodded.
  "But you are helping." He gave him a smile, then opened up his mouth once again.

After he had finished the soup and Phoenix had put the rest away and cleared up, he walked back into the bedroom to find Miles sleeping peacefully.  He smiled tenderly down at him, watching his steady breathing for a bit in contentment before deciding he should try and get to bed himself.  Quietly changing into his pajamas, he grabbed a blanket and was just about to go camp out on the couch when he heard a feeble voice calling out to him.
  "Don't go...."

Surprised, Phoenix turned to see Edgeworth staring at him.  Gasping, he quickly hurried to his side as he saw the tears threatening to spill from those grey eyes he knew so well.
  "Miles!  I'm here...what's the matter?"
Edgeworth sniffled, a hand unconsciously reaching out to cling to Phoenix's pajama shirt as he tried to steady himself, his breathing fast and rather panicked.

Phoenix gulped, terror starting to creep into his heart.  He had never seen his friend and lover so vulnerable before......oh wait. There were times that he had seen him like this.  One was during an earthquake, and another.....he suddenly realized what was wrong and instantly got into the bed, pulling the other close to him in a hug.
  "Miles, it's alright.  You know those nightmares aren't true...we proved that together in court.  And Von Karma isn't here anymore....we dealt with him in court too."  

He gently nuzzled into the other's soft grey hair as he stroked him soothingly, still feeling the other shaking slightly in his arms.
  "And I'm here.  I won't let you have any nightmares tonight.  It'll be'll be okay..."
Edgeworth sniffled, a slight sob escaping his throat.  
  "'s......ever since....we solved that case....the nightmares don't come as's the back of my mind....and....and when I' this....sick....that they plague me once more...."

Phoenix nodded, gently shushing him and rocking him, whispering words of comfort into his ears.
  "Well this time, I'm here with you.  And I'm not going to let you go.  I'm going to stay here and hug you and kiss you until you fall asleep.  And then...." He smiled down at him.  "...I'll be right here again when you wake up."
Edgeworth glanced up at this, tears streaming down his face as he had lost control of them at these soft words.  He managed a smile, then slowly wrapped his arms around Phoenix, snuggling into him and feeling safe in his warm embrace.  Phoenix smiled as he cuddled him, then continued stroking him until he was sure he was asleep, falling asleep himself soon after.  

Less than a week later, Miles Edgeworth was slamming his fists down on the prosecutor's table in courtroom 3.  Thanks to the new evidence they had uncovered in the last trial, he was finding himself quickly loosing the case.  However, that didn't stop the newly reenergized prosecutor from putting up his best fight.
He practically roared as his opponent found more holes in his evidence and testimony.  He was extremely grateful for all that Phoenix had done for him when he was ill, but it still didn't stop him from yelling at him in court.  
  "Based on the witness's testimony, he could not have been at the scene of the crime exactly when the murder had taken place!"

Phoenix on the other hand, was shaking his head.
  "But we found earlier, that the murderer didn't need to be in the room at the exact time the murder took place! He had already set up the room before hand, so anyone could have accidentally set off the trap if they didn't know about it!"
Edgeworth grumbled, grinding his fists into the table, but the defense did have a point.  

Phoenix cleared his throat, then presented his findings to the judge once more, suddenly sneezing right in the middle of his report.  Edgeworth glanced up in concern at this, then smiled inwardly to himself as he watched a flustered Phoenix hastily trying to get back on track.  Even though he was known for bumbling his way through a trial, Edgeworth couldn't help but notice that he seemed to be bumbling a bit more than usual this time.  Nonetheless, he had won the case, as was evident as the judge nodded in agreement to these findings.

  "Does the prosecution have any further objections?"
Realizing his defeat, Edgeworth shook his head, smiling graciously.
  "I do not, Your Honor."
He watched as Phoenix breathed a sigh of relief from the other side of the courtroom, then glanced up as the judge gave his verdict of NOT GUILTY.

Walking out of the courtroom, he spied Phoenix a ways ahead, looking rather tired and annoyed as Maya scurried around him, obviously telling him off about something.  He smirked, then walked up to the pair and slipped up behind them without them noticing.
  "Congratulations, Wright."

Phoenix promptly jumped about a foot into the air, scattering his files around as he dropped them.
  "E-edgeworth! D-don't scare me like that!" He pouted, rushing around trying to pick up all his dropped papers, stopping as he was overcome with a coughing fit.  Edgeworth sighed, walking up to him and gently placing a hand on the other's forehead.

  "Oh dear." He smiled down a bit apologetically at the flustered defense attorney seated on the floor before him.  "Looks like someone else needs to a take a little sick leave now."
Maya let out a hmmp from beside them, placing her hands on her hips.
Edgeworth smiled, then quickly picked up both the papers and Wright off the floor, lending him a shoulder to lean on as he handed the papers off to Maya.

  "Back to bed, Wright! Looks like it's my turn to play nurse now."  
Phoenix spluttered, trying to struggle and defend himself, babbling on about having to finish off the rest of the paperwork and visit his client one last time before he could go home, but his stubborn assistant and the prosecutor were already hauling him off towards the door.  Summoning the last of his strength, he let out a final cry of protest.

my first phoenix wright fanfic! ;A; i hope it's good.....i've only played the original games so far. ^^; so i don't know much about the world yet in the games. but i'm hoping for a ds so i can play more. (am currently playing the app on the itouch) XDDDDD ahahhaa.

anyway, written for my phoenix. >w> i'm cosplaying edgeworth and phoenix requested something like this so *sigh* i obliged. althoughiamverybusywright. >:U KDSHFKSDF

ahaha. =w= yeah. i tried to make them in character as best i could with what i knew of them......oh and i know the time isn't exactly canon in the game since the trials need to be over in three days. buuuuuuuuut i found it cuter this way so i bent the rules a lil bit. ^^;

phoenix wright belongs to capcom
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Verity96's avatar
"As pink as his magenta suit". Nice.